Dation Dashboard


Dation Dashboard is a Software as a Service ERP for driving schools. It offers a wide range of services that ease the management of driving schools such as efficient planning, invoicing control, education tracking and seamless communication features.

A bright pink sheet of paper used to wrap flowers curves in front of rich blue background

My Contributions

  • Designed migration strategy to cloud and microservices architecture after the company acquired 2 competitors and saved 66% in costs due to duplicate resources. Improved invoices search speed by x5, helping the company maintain the revenue from a big customer.

  • Designed and built a recommendation algorithm for lesson appointment scheduling which increases driving school revenue by 20% and customer loyalty by 10%.

  • Designed and developed a supercharged agenda for driving schools management adding 10+ new features lacking in the old agenda.

  • Increased by 30% market positioning by refactoring 70% outdated UI pages, and features which led to a modern version of the software.

Tech Stack

Frontend: HTML 5, Javascript ES23, Typescript 5, Jquery, CSS 3, Bootstrap 5, React 17, Redux Toolkit

Build: Webpack Encore

Monitoring: Rollbar

Auth: Firebase

DevOps: Unix/Linux, FPM, Cronjobs, Apache Server

Bakcend: Php 8, Symfony 6, Twig, API Platform 3, OOP, ORM, Doctrine

Database: SQL, MariaDB 10, Postgresql 16

Testing: Jest, Php unit, Codeception, Selenium

CI/CI: CircleCI, Docker compose

Cloud: GCP, Kubernetes