Dation Rijbewijsapp

React Native

Dation Rijbewijsapp is a cross-platform mobile application designed for driving school students. It allows them to book lesson appointments, access their education progress, manage their education finances and keep track of bills.

A bright pink sheet of paper used to wrap flowers curves in front of rich blue background

My Contributions

  • Created more than 80% of features for the web application.
  • Expanded the app with a new module for e-learning with books, video lessons, quizzes, and exams for theory book providers, hence earning 3% revenue per item sold.
  • Improved test coverage rates from 60% to 90% in two years, allowing to build and release the apps on Google Play and App Store more frequently and with 60% less bugs.

Tech stack

Languages: Javascript, Java.

Frontend: React, React Hooks, React Native, Native Base.

Testing: React Test Renderer, Snapshot Testing.

Build Tools: Gradle, Cocoapods, Fastlane.

Platforms and OS: Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux.

CI/CD: CircleCI, Google Play, AppStore.

Observability and Monitoring: Rollbar.

Authentication: Firebase.