Dation Onderweg

React Native

Dation Onderweg is a cross-platform mobile application designed for driving school administrators and instructors. It allows them to plan or edit appointments, and access daily or weekly schedules.

A bright pink sheet of paper used to wrap flowers curves in front of rich blue background

My Contributions

  • Created more than 80% of features for the web application.
  • Improved test coverage rates from 60% to 90% in two years, allowing to build and release the apps on Google Play and App Store more frequently and with 60% less bugs.
  • Enhanced functionality and user experience.
  • Position Dation Onderweg as the leading mobile application in the Netherlands in the Driving School space.
  • Drastically reduced loading times for student pages, agenda, and appointment management.

Tech stack

Design: UX, Figma

Frontend: Javascript ES23, Typescript 5, React 17, React hooks, React Native 0.72

Testing: React Test renderer, Snapshot Testing

Build/Release: Gradle 8, Java 10, Ruby 3, Android 13, XCode, CircleCI, Fastlane.