SBVO Portal


SBVO Portal is an online platform targeted for a group of driving school companies with national coverage. It allows for easy management, registration and control over training and tracking of certification expiration dates.

A bright pink sheet of paper used to wrap flowers curves in front of rich blue background

My Contributions

  • Built from scratch more than 80% of the main ui features of the web application.

  • Increased the delivery sprint by 35%.

  • Reduced bugs per release by 30%, took initiative in adding e2e tests for better quality assurance, testing all core features of the application.

  • Helped get 160K EUR with 4 more project phase contracts, after showcasing the main features, tested and within expected timeline in the first phase.

Tech stack

Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL.

Frontend: Jquery, Bootstrap, React, React Hooks, Babel, Webpack.

Backend: Unix/Linux, Apache, FPM, Symfony 6, API Platform 3, Doctrine, MariaDB, Postgresql.

Testing: Jest, Cypress, PHPUnit, Codeception.

Integration: Google Pub/Sub.

CI/CD: CircleCI, Docker compose, GCP.

Observability and Monitoring: Rollbar.

Authentication: Firebase.